.. _python_install: Python ====== The easiest way to install the python version is using `pip `_: .. code:: bash pip install scs SCS depends on python packages numpy and scipy to run and on numpy to install. It uses numpy to tell it what :ref:`BLAS and LAPACK ` libraries to link against. If you run into an error like this: .. code:: bash RuntimeError: Found /usr/lib/libcblas.dylib, but that file is a symbolic link to the MacOS Accelerate framework, which is not supported by NumPy you can try: .. code:: bash brew install openblas OPENBLAS="$(brew --prefix openblas)" pip install scs You can also install directly from source .. code:: bash git clone --recursive https://github.com/bodono/scs-python.git cd scs-python python setup.py install You can install the MKL Pardiso interface using .. code:: bash python setup.py install --scs --mkl You can install the GPU interface using .. code:: bash python setup.py install --scs --gpu To test that SCS installed correctly, and you have pytest installed, run .. code:: bash pytest See :ref:`here ` for the API.