.. _r_interface: R = R interface source code available `here `_. After :ref:`installing ` you can load SCS using .. code:: r library("scs") Usage ----- Use function `scs` to solve a given optimization problem. Additional information about the arguments can be found in the `R-Manual `_ or the :ref:`matrices ` of the homepage. .. code-block:: r scs(A, b, obj, P = NULL, cone, initial = NULL, control = scs_control()) The `scs_control` is used to define additional settings, additional information can be found in the R-Manual or the :ref:`settings ` section of the homepage. .. code-block:: r scs_control(max_iters = 100000L, eps_rel = 1e-04, eps_abs = 1e-04, eps_infeas = 1e-07, alpha = 1.5, rho_x = 1e-06, scale = 0.1, verbose = FALSE, normalize = TRUE, warm_start = FALSE, acceleration_lookback = 0L, acceleration_interval = 1L, adaptive_scale = TRUE, write_data_filename = NULL, log_csv_filename = NULL, time_limit_secs = 0)