.. _exit_flags: Exit flags ----------- The integer values that SCS can return are documented below and are defined in the :code:`'include/scs.h` file. .. list-table:: :widths: 50 10 40 :header-rows: 1 * - Status - Value - SCS constant name * - Solved to desired tolerance - 1 - :code:`SCS_SOLVED` * - Did not reach desired accuracy, returning best guess of solution - 2 - :code:`SCS_SOLVED_INACCURATE` * - Unfinished (never returned, only used internally) - 0 - :code:`SCS_UNFINISHED` * - Primal unbounded / Dual infeasible (to desired tolerance) - -1 - :code:`SCS_UNBOUNDED` * - Primal infeasible / Dual unbounded (to desired tolerance) - -2 - :code:`SCS_INFEASIBLE` * - Indeterminate (numerical errors when recovering solution) DEPRECATED - -3 - :code:`SCS_INDETERMINATE` * - Failed (usually a data input error) - -4 - :code:`SCS_FAILED` * - Interrupted (received SIGINT) - -5 - :code:`SCS_SIGINT` * - Did not reach desired accuracy, returning best guess of certificate of primal unboundedness - -6 - :code:`SCS_UNBOUNDED_INACCURATE` * - Did not reach desired accuracy, returning best guess of certificate of primal infeasibility - -7 - :code:`SCS_INFEASIBLE_INACCURATE`